celery nutrition facts health benefits

Celery Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits Verywell Fit. Celery is low in protein, with less than 1 gram per cup. Vitamins and Minerals Despite its low calorie content, celery provides several micronutrients. It contains potassium, folate, choline, vitamin A, and vitamin K. Celery also offers some natural sodium and fluoride. Calories One medium celery stalk has fewer than 6 calories. See more

Celery Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits Verywell Fit
Celery Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits Verywell Fit from 3i133rqau023qjc1k3txdvr1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com

One cup of celery sticks has 5 grams of dietary fiber. 4. Celery is rich in vitamins and minerals with a low glycemic index. You’ll enjoy vitamins A, K, and C, plus minerals like.

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